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Aerial photograph 222563
Along the Fritz-Feustel Street and Rauner road in Greiz in Thuringia is lined with apartment buildings that were built in the communist era. Managed the homes of the Greizer Charitable Housing Association. To the west of Hain Mountain is a sports area with football, athletics stadium, tennis center and other training opportunities that can be used by several sports clubs. Not far from the residential area there are several small gardens

GREIZ 07.07.2013

Greiz from the bird's eye view: Along the Fritz-Feustel Street and Rauner road in Greiz in Thuringia is lined with apartment buildings that were built in the communist era. Managed the homes of the Greizer Charitable Housing Association. To the west of Hain Mountain is a sports area with football, athletics stadium, tennis center and other training opportunities that can be used by several sports clubs. Not far from the residential area there are several small gardens

Along the Fritz-Feustel Street and Rauner road in Greiz in Thuringia is lined with apartment buildings that were built in the communist era. Managed the homes of the Greizer Charitable Housing Association. To the west of Hain Mountain is a sports area with football, athletics stadium, tennis center and other training opportunities that can be used by several sports clubs. Not far from the residential area there are several small gardens. Photo: Karina Hessland

Aerial image ID: 222563
Image resolution: 4896 x 3264 pixels x 24 bit
compressed image file size: 7,25 MB
Image file size: 45,72 MB
Sources and credit: © Hessland

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