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Aerial photograph 216173
At the driveway to Kyffhaeuser in Bad Frankenhausen in Thuringia, the park and the Villa Hoheneck. In the historic park in the last century created the architect Hermann Muthesius a villa which has been integrated directly into the garden environment. The building has been in recent decades among others used as a sanatorium, hotel and holiday home. There is a special attraction, a nearly unadulterated ensemble of classical villa garden


Aerial photograph Bad Frankenhausen/Kyffhäuser - At the driveway to Kyffhaeuser in Bad Frankenhausen in Thuringia, the park and the Villa Hoheneck. In the historic park in the last century created the architect Hermann Muthesius a villa which has been integrated directly into the garden environment. The building has been in recent decades among others used as a sanatorium, hotel and holiday home. There is a special attraction, a nearly unadulterated ensemble of classical villa garden

At the driveway to Kyffhaeuser in Bad Frankenhausen in Thuringia, the park and the Villa Hoheneck. In the historic park in the last century created the architect Hermann Muthesius a villa which has been integrated directly into the garden environment. The building has been in recent decades among others used as a sanatorium, hotel and holiday home. There is a special attraction, a nearly unadulterated ensemble of classical villa garden. Photo: Karina Hessland

Aerial image ID: 216173
Image resolution: 3864 x 2622 pixels x 24 bit
compressed image file size: 4,82 MB
Image file size: 28,99 MB
Sources and credit: © Hessland

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