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Aerial photograph 199367
The castle / palace Hartenfels is situated in Torgau close to the river elbe. It belongs to the federal state of Saxony. The construction was startes by Konrad Pflueger and finished by Konrad Krebs during the time of renaissance. The chapell of the castle was the first protestant church in the world and was built by Nikolaus Gromann

TORGAU 21.03.2014

Torgau from the bird's eye view: The castle / palace Hartenfels is situated in Torgau close to the river elbe. It belongs to the federal state of Saxony. The construction was startes by Konrad Pflueger and finished by Konrad Krebs during the time of renaissance. The chapell of the castle was the first protestant church in the world and was built by Nikolaus Gromann
Thematically related aerial photos

The castle / palace Hartenfels is situated in Torgau close to the river elbe. It belongs to the federal state of Saxony. The construction was startes by Konrad Pflueger and finished by Konrad Krebs during the time of renaissance. The chapell of the castle was the first protestant church in the world and was built by Nikolaus Gromann. Photo: Bernd Clemens

Aerial image ID: 199367
Image resolution: 4100 x 2624 pixels x 24 bit
compressed image file size: 2,5 MB
Image file size: 30,78 MB
Sources and credit: © Clemens

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