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Aerial photograph 207733
The Parish Church of the Ascension is located at the Krappgartenstrasse in Arnstadt in Thuringia. It was built in the style of a Protestant baroque in the form of an octagon. The Church of the Ascension was the former cemetery church of the city right next to the cemetery. On this were members of the Bach family their final resting place. Today, Catholic services are held

ARNSTADT 23.06.2013

Aerial photograph Arnstadt - The Parish Church of the Ascension is located at the Krappgartenstrasse in Arnstadt in Thuringia. It was built in the style of a Protestant baroque in the form of an octagon. The Church of the Ascension was the former cemetery church of the city right next to the cemetery. On this were members of the Bach family their final resting place. Today, Catholic services are held

The Parish Church of the Ascension is located at the Krappgartenstrasse in Arnstadt in Thuringia. It was built in the style of a Protestant baroque in the form of an octagon. The Church of the Ascension was the former cemetery church of the city right next to the cemetery. On this were members of the Bach family their final resting place. Today, Catholic services are held. Photo: Karina Hessland

Aerial image ID: 207733
Image resolution: 4092 x 2682 pixels x 24 bit
compressed image file size: 5,95 MB
Image file size: 31,4 MB
Sources and credit: © Hessland

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