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Aerial photograph 201921
The plate area Heinrich-Heine-Strasse is located in the district Wenigenjena of Jena in Thuringia. In the center of the residential area was built by Faber & Schnepp civil construction GmbH a commercial building in which to use a grocery store, a bank and other company business premises. The Heinrich-Heine-primary school is located on the Dammweg

JENA 16.06.2013

Aerial photograph Jena - The plate area Heinrich-Heine-Strasse is located in the district Wenigenjena of Jena in Thuringia. In the center of the residential area was built by Faber & Schnepp civil construction GmbH a commercial building in which to use a grocery store, a bank and other company business premises. The Heinrich-Heine-primary school is located on the Dammweg

The plate area Heinrich-Heine-Strasse is located in the district Wenigenjena of Jena in Thuringia. In the center of the residential area was built by Faber & Schnepp civil construction GmbH a commercial building in which to use a grocery store, a bank and other company business premises. The Heinrich-Heine-primary school is located on the Dammweg. / Photo: Karina Hessland

Aerial image ID: 201921
Image resolution: 4896 x 3264 pixels x 24 bit
compressed image file size: 8,13 MB
Image file size: 45,72 MB
Sources and credit: © Hessland

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