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Aerial photograph 183565
Villa Musica is a state foundation of the German Bundesland Rhineland-Palatinate , founded in 1986 in order to provide special education for highly gifted young musicians from all over Europe in the field of chamber music. The foundation is also one of Germany’s biggest classical concert institutions organizing some 150 chamber music concerts all over the country

MAINZ 01.07.2013

Aerial photograph Mainz - Villa Musica is a state foundation of the German Bundesland Rhineland-Palatinate , founded in 1986 in order to provide special education for highly gifted young musicians from all over Europe in the field of chamber music. The foundation is also one of Germany’s biggest classical concert institutions organizing some 150 chamber music concerts all over the country
Thematically related aerial photos

Villa Musica is a state foundation of the German Bundesland Rhineland-Palatinate , founded in 1986 in order to provide special education for highly gifted young musicians from all over Europe in the field of chamber music. The foundation is also one of Germany’s biggest classical concert institutions organizing some 150 chamber music concerts all over the country. Photo: Alfons Rath

Aerial image ID: 183565
Image resolution: 5616 x 3744 pixels x 24 bit
compressed image file size: 10,73 MB
Image file size: 60,16 MB
Sources and credit: © Rath

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