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GROHNDE 12.08.2024 Reactor blocks, cooling tower structures and facilities of the nuclear power plant in Grohnde in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 644492

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Photo: Bernd Clemens
Reactor blocks, cooling tower structures and facilities of the nuclear power plant in Grohnde in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany
GROHNDE 12.08.2024 Reactor blocks, cooling tower structures and facilities of the nuclear power plant in Grohnde in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 644493

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Photo: Bernd Clemens
Reactor blocks, cooling tower structures and facilities of the nuclear power plant in Grohnde in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany
GRAFENRHEINFELD 07.07.2024 Reactor blocks, cooling tower structures and facilities of the decommissioned Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant of Preussenelektra GmbH before the demolition of the cooling towers in Grafenrheinfeld in the state of Bavaria, Germany

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Photo ID: 656168

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Photo: Werner Riehm
Reactor blocks, cooling tower structures and facilities of the decommissioned Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant of Preussenelektra GmbH before the demolition of the cooling towers in Grafenrheinfeld in the state of Bavaria, Germany
GRAFENRHEINFELD 07.07.2024 Reactor blocks, cooling tower structures and facilities of the decommissioned Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant of Preussenelektra GmbH before the demolition of the cooling towers in Grafenrheinfeld in the state of Bavaria, Germany

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Photo ID: 656169

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Photo: Werner Riehm
Reactor blocks, cooling tower structures and facilities of the decommissioned Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant of Preussenelektra GmbH before the demolition of the cooling towers in Grafenrheinfeld in the state of Bavaria, Germany
FREESENDORF 18.05.2024 Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant " AKW Lubmin " in Freesendorf in the state Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Germany

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Photo ID: 638934

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Photo: aerofoto .team
Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant ' AKW Lubmin ' in Freesendorf in the state Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Germany
STADE 14.04.2024 Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant in Stadersand in the state Lower Saxony

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Photo ID: 648356

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Photo: Martin Elsen
Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant in Stadersand in the state Lower Saxony
STADE 17.03.2024 Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant in Stadersand in the state Lower Saxony

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Photo ID: 634964

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Photo: Tobias Barth
Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant in Stadersand in the state Lower Saxony
STADE 18.10.2023 Buildings of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities in the morning fog of the nuclear power plant - Stade nuclear power plant in Stadersand in the state of Lower Saxony

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Photo ID: 626467

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Photo: Martin Elsen
Buildings of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities in the morning fog of the nuclear power plant - Stade nuclear power plant in Stadersand in the state of Lower Saxony
STADLAND 07.07.2023 Site of the nuclear power plant (NPP also, NPP or nuclear power plant) Unterweser in Stadland in the state Lower Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 619941

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Site of the nuclear power plant (NPP also, NPP or nuclear power plant) Unterweser in Stadland in the state Lower Saxony, Germany
STADLAND 07.07.2023 Site of the nuclear power plant (NPP also, NPP or nuclear power plant) Unterweser in Stadland in the state Lower Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 619948

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Site of the nuclear power plant (NPP also, NPP or nuclear power plant) Unterweser in Stadland in the state Lower Saxony, Germany
STADLAND 07.07.2023 Site of the nuclear power plant (NPP also, NPP or nuclear power plant) Unterweser in Stadland in the state Lower Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 619949

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Site of the nuclear power plant (NPP also, NPP or nuclear power plant) Unterweser in Stadland in the state Lower Saxony, Germany
STADLAND 07.07.2023 Site of the nuclear power plant (NPP also, NPP or nuclear power plant) Unterweser in Stadland in the state Lower Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 620001

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Site of the nuclear power plant (NPP also, NPP or nuclear power plant) Unterweser in Stadland in the state Lower Saxony, Germany
PHILIPPSBURG 24.06.2023 Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

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Photo ID: 630148

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Photo: Werner Riehm
Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
PHILIPPSBURG 24.06.2023 Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

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Photo ID: 630149

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Photo: Werner Riehm
Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
GROHNDE 05.06.2023 Reactor blocks, cooling tower structures and facilities of the nuclear power plant in Grohnde in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 636197

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Photo: Martin Elsen
Reactor blocks, cooling tower structures and facilities of the nuclear power plant in Grohnde in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany
GROHNDE 05.06.2023 Reactor blocks, cooling tower structures and facilities of the nuclear power plant in Grohnde in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 636198

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Photo: Martin Elsen
Reactor blocks, cooling tower structures and facilities of the nuclear power plant in Grohnde in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany
GROHNDE 05.06.2023 Reactor blocks, cooling tower structures and facilities of the nuclear power plant in Grohnde in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 636199

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Photo: Martin Elsen
Reactor blocks, cooling tower structures and facilities of the nuclear power plant in Grohnde in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany
GROHNDE 05.06.2023 Reactor blocks, cooling tower structures and facilities of the nuclear power plant in Grohnde in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 636200

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Photo: Martin Elsen
Reactor blocks, cooling tower structures and facilities of the nuclear power plant in Grohnde in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany
GROHNDE 05.06.2023 Reactor blocks, cooling tower structures and facilities of the nuclear power plant in Grohnde in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 636201

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Photo: Martin Elsen
Reactor blocks, cooling tower structures and facilities of the nuclear power plant in Grohnde in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany
EMMERTHAL 05.06.2023 Building remains of the reactor units and facilities of the NPP nuclear power plant Grohnde on the river Weser in Grohnde in the state Lower Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 645351

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Photo: Martin Elsen
Building remains of the reactor units and facilities of the NPP nuclear power plant Grohnde on the river Weser in Grohnde in the state Lower Saxony, Germany
EMMERTHAL 05.06.2023 View of the town and reactor blocks, cooling tower structures of the Nuclear Power Plant Grohnde on the Weser in the evening glow in Grohnde in the state Lower Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 646688

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Photo: Martin Elsen
View of the town and reactor blocks, cooling tower structures of the Nuclear Power Plant Grohnde on the Weser in the evening glow in Grohnde in the state Lower Saxony, Germany
STADE 28.05.2023 Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant in Stadersand in the state Lower Saxony

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Photo ID: 626446

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Photo: Martin Elsen
Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant in Stadersand in the state Lower Saxony
PHILIPPSBURG 26.05.2023 Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

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Photo ID: 614438

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
PHILIPPSBURG 26.05.2023 Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

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Photo ID: 614439

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
PHILIPPSBURG 26.05.2023 Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

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Photo ID: 614440

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
PHILIPPSBURG 26.05.2023 Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

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Photo ID: 614612

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
PHILIPPSBURG 26.05.2023 Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

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Photo ID: 614619

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
PHILIPPSBURG 26.05.2023 Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

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Photo ID: 614620

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
PHILIPPSBURG 26.05.2023 Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

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Photo ID: 614621

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
BROKDORF 06.04.2023 Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant on elbe river in Brokdorf in the state Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

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Photo ID: 608367

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Photo: Martin Elsen
Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant on elbe river in Brokdorf in the state Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
BROKDORF 06.04.2023 Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant on elbe river in Brokdorf in the state Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

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Photo ID: 608368

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Photo: Martin Elsen
Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant on elbe river in Brokdorf in the state Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
FREESENDORF 07.10.2022 Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant " AKW Lubmin " in Freesendorf in the state Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Germany

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Photo ID: 583817

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant ' AKW Lubmin ' in Freesendorf in the state Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Germany
FREESENDORF 07.10.2022 Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant " AKW Lubmin " in Freesendorf in the state Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Germany

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Photo ID: 583818

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant ' AKW Lubmin ' in Freesendorf in the state Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Germany
FREESENDORF 07.10.2022 Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant " AKW Lubmin " in Freesendorf in the state Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Germany

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Photo ID: 583819

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant ' AKW Lubmin ' in Freesendorf in the state Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Germany
FREESENDORF 07.10.2022 Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant " AKW Lubmin " in Freesendorf in the state Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Germany

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Photo ID: 583843

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Photo: Robert Grahn
Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant ' AKW Lubmin ' in Freesendorf in the state Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Germany
FREESENDORF 07.10.2022 Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant " AKW Lubmin " in Freesendorf in the state Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Germany

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Photo ID: 583844

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Robert Grahn
Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant ' AKW Lubmin ' in Freesendorf in the state Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Germany
FREESENDORF 07.10.2022 Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant " AKW Lubmin " in Freesendorf in the state Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Germany

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Photo ID: 584030

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Robert Grahn
Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant ' AKW Lubmin ' in Freesendorf in the state Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Germany
PHILIPPSBURG 21.08.2022 Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

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Photo ID: 602278

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Werner Riehm
Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
PHILIPPSBURG 21.08.2022 Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

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Photo ID: 602279

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Photo: Werner Riehm
Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
PHILIPPSBURG 21.08.2022 Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

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Photo ID: 602280

Photo ID has been copied

Photo: Werner Riehm
Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
PHILIPPSBURG 21.08.2022 Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

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Photo ID: 602281

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Photo: Werner Riehm
Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
PHILIPPSBURG 21.08.2022 Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

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Photo ID: 602282

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Photo: Werner Riehm
Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
PHILIPPSBURG 21.08.2022 Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

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Photo ID: 602283

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Photo: Werner Riehm
Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
FREESENDORF 10.08.2022 Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant " AKW Lubmin " in Freesendorf in the state Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Germany

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Photo ID: 598765

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Photo: Martin Elsen
Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant ' AKW Lubmin ' in Freesendorf in the state Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Germany
FREESENDORF 10.08.2022 Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant " AKW Lubmin " in Freesendorf at the baltic sea coast in the state Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Germany

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Photo ID: 599243

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Photo: Martin Elsen
Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant ' AKW Lubmin ' in Freesendorf at the baltic sea coast in the state Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Germany
PHILIPPSBURG 12.07.2022 Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

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Photo ID: 601973

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Photo: Werner Riehm
Remains of the decommissioned reactor blocks and facilities of the nuclear power plant - KKW Kernkraftwerk EnBW Kernkraft GmbH, Philippsburg nuclear power plant and rubble of the two cooling towers at the shore of the Rhine river in Philippsburg in the state Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
STADE 03.06.2022 Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant in Stadersand in the state Lower Saxony

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Photo ID: 572214

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Photo: Martin Elsen
Building the decommissioned reactor units and systems of the NPP - NPP nuclear power plant in Stadersand in the state Lower Saxony
DAMPIERRE-EN-BURLY 09.05.2022 Building remains of the reactor units and facilities of the NPP nuclear power plant of Centrale nucleaire de Dampierre in Dampierre-en-Burly in Centre, France

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Photo ID: 563134

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Photo: Alfons Rath
Building remains of the reactor units and facilities of the NPP nuclear power plant of Centrale nucleaire de Dampierre in Dampierre-en-Burly in Centre, France
DAMPIERRE-EN-BURLY 09.05.2022 Building remains of the reactor units and facilities of the NPP nuclear power plant of Centrale nucleaire de Dampierre in Dampierre-en-Burly in Centre, France

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Photo ID: 563137

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Photo: Alfons Rath
Building remains of the reactor units and facilities of the NPP nuclear power plant of Centrale nucleaire de Dampierre in Dampierre-en-Burly in Centre, France
MüLHEIM-KäRLICH 12.04.2022 Building remains of the ruins of the reactor units and facilities of the NPP nuclear power plant "AKW Muelheim-Kaerlich" duiring the demolition - work carried out by the "MB Spezialabbruch GmbH & Co. KG" in Muelheim-Kaerlich in the state Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

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Photo ID: 558397

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Photo: Hans Blossey
Building remains of the ruins of the reactor units and facilities of the NPP nuclear power plant 'AKW Muelheim-Kaerlich' duiring the demolition - work carried out by the 'MB Spezialabbruch GmbH & Co. KG' in Muelheim-Kaerlich in the state Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

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