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Großsedlitz from above

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HEIDENAU 20.09.2020 Paths and green areas of the park area of the castle park " Barockgarten Grosssedlitz " on street Parkstrasse in Heidenau in the state Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 476643

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Photo: Alfons Rath
Paths and green areas of the park area of the castle park ' Barockgarten Grosssedlitz ' on street Parkstrasse in Heidenau in the state Saxony, Germany
HEIDENAU 20.09.2020 Paths and green areas of the park area of the castle park " Barockgarten Grosssedlitz " on street Parkstrasse in Heidenau in the state Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 476644

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Photo: Alfons Rath
Paths and green areas of the park area of the castle park ' Barockgarten Grosssedlitz ' on street Parkstrasse in Heidenau in the state Saxony, Germany
HEIDENAU 20.09.2020 Paths and green areas of the park area of the castle park " Barockgarten Grosssedlitz " on street Parkstrasse in Heidenau in the state Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 476645

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Photo: Alfons Rath
Paths and green areas of the park area of the castle park ' Barockgarten Grosssedlitz ' on street Parkstrasse in Heidenau in the state Saxony, Germany
HEIDENAU 20.09.2020 Paths and green areas of the park area of the castle park " Barockgarten Grosssedlitz " on street Parkstrasse in Heidenau in the state Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 476646

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Photo: Alfons Rath
Paths and green areas of the park area of the castle park ' Barockgarten Grosssedlitz ' on street Parkstrasse in Heidenau in the state Saxony, Germany
HEIDENAU 20.09.2020 Paths and green areas of the park area of the castle park " Barockgarten Grosssedlitz " on street Parkstrasse in Heidenau in the state Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 476647

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Photo: Alfons Rath
Paths and green areas of the park area of the castle park ' Barockgarten Grosssedlitz ' on street Parkstrasse in Heidenau in the state Saxony, Germany
HEIDENAU 20.09.2020 Paths and green areas of the park area of the castle park " Barockgarten Grosssedlitz " on street Parkstrasse in Heidenau in the state Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 476648

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Photo: Alfons Rath
Paths and green areas of the park area of the castle park ' Barockgarten Grosssedlitz ' on street Parkstrasse in Heidenau in the state Saxony, Germany
HEIDENAU 20.09.2020 Paths and green areas of the park area of the castle park " Barockgarten Grosssedlitz " on street Parkstrasse in Heidenau in the state Saxony, Germany

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Photo ID: 476649

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Photo: Alfons Rath
Paths and green areas of the park area of the castle park ' Barockgarten Grosssedlitz ' on street Parkstrasse in Heidenau in the state Saxony, Germany
GROßSEDLITZ 20.09.2020 Grossedlitz's baroque garden with lock in Heidenau in Saxony. The Grossedlitz baroque garden with the Frederick lodge and upper and lower Orangery is situated on a hill in the town of Heidenau

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Photo ID: 476675

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Photo: Alfons Rath
Grossedlitz's baroque garden with lock in Heidenau in Saxony. The Grossedlitz baroque garden with the Frederick lodge and upper and lower Orangery is situated on a hill in the town of Heidenau
GROßSEDLITZ 20.09.2020 Grossedlitz's baroque garden with lock in Heidenau in Saxony. The Grossedlitz baroque garden with the Frederick lodge and upper and lower Orangery is situated on a hill in the town of Heidenau

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Photo ID: 476676

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Photo: Alfons Rath
Grossedlitz's baroque garden with lock in Heidenau in Saxony. The Grossedlitz baroque garden with the Frederick lodge and upper and lower Orangery is situated on a hill in the town of Heidenau
GROßSEDLITZ 20.09.2020 Grossedlitz's baroque garden with lock in Heidenau in Saxony. The Grossedlitz baroque garden with the Frederick lodge and upper and lower Orangery is situated on a hill in the town of Heidenau

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Photo ID: 476677

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Photo: Alfons Rath
Grossedlitz's baroque garden with lock in Heidenau in Saxony. The Grossedlitz baroque garden with the Frederick lodge and upper and lower Orangery is situated on a hill in the town of Heidenau
GROßSEDLITZ 13.07.2005 Blick auf den Barockgarten in Großsedlitz. Mit dem Bau der Gartenanlage wurde 1719 begonnen.Wo früher die höfische Gesellschaft feierte, können heute Besucher sanften Tourismus und Erholung genießen. Kontakt:Barockgarten Großsedlitz, Parkstraße 85, 01809 Heidenau, Tel.: (0 35 29)56 39 0, Fax.: (0 35 29)56 39 99,,

Description has been copied

Photo ID: 61387

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Photo: Richard Büschel
Blick auf den Barockgarten in Großsedlitz. Mit dem Bau der Gartenanlage wurde 1719 begonnen.Wo früher die höfische Gesellschaft feierte, können heute Besucher sanften Tourismus und Erholung genießen. Kontakt:Barockgarten Großsedlitz, Parkstraße 85, 01809 Heidenau, Tel.: (0 35 29)56 39 0, Fax.: (0 35 29)56 39 99,,

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