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Construction site for the design of a supplementary new building of the existing park with paths and green areas in Wohngebiet on Bruayplatz - Winschotener Strasse in Froendenberg/Ruhr in the state North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

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FRöNDENBERG/RUHR 28.02.2023 Construction site for the design of a supplementary new building of the existing park with paths and green areas in Wohngebiet on Bruayplatz - Winschotener Strasse in Froendenberg/Ruhr in the state North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

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Photo ID: 606347

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Photo: Hans Blossey
Construction site for the design of a supplementary new building of the existing park with paths and green areas in Wohngebiet on Bruayplatz - Winschotener Strasse in Froendenberg/Ruhr in the state North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
FRöNDENBERG/RUHR 28.02.2023 Construction site for the design of a supplementary new building of the existing park with paths and green areas in Wohngebiet on Bruayplatz - Winschotener Strasse in Froendenberg/Ruhr in the state North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

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Photo ID: 606348

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Photo: Hans Blossey
Construction site for the design of a supplementary new building of the existing park with paths and green areas in Wohngebiet on Bruayplatz - Winschotener Strasse in Froendenberg/Ruhr in the state North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
FRöNDENBERG/RUHR 28.02.2023 Construction site for the design of a supplementary new building of the existing park with paths and green areas in Wohngebiet on Bruayplatz - Winschotener Strasse in Froendenberg/Ruhr in the state North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

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Photo ID: 606349

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Photo: Hans Blossey
Construction site for the design of a supplementary new building of the existing park with paths and green areas in Wohngebiet on Bruayplatz - Winschotener Strasse in Froendenberg/Ruhr in the state North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
FRöNDENBERG/RUHR 28.02.2023 Construction site for the design of a supplementary new building of the existing park with paths and green areas in Wohngebiet on Bruayplatz - Winschotener Strasse in Froendenberg/Ruhr in the state North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

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Photo ID: 606350

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Photo: Hans Blossey
Construction site for the design of a supplementary new building of the existing park with paths and green areas in Wohngebiet on Bruayplatz - Winschotener Strasse in Froendenberg/Ruhr in the state North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
FRöNDENBERG/RUHR 28.02.2023 Construction site for the design of a supplementary new building of the existing park with paths and green areas in Wohngebiet on Bruayplatz - Winschotener Strasse in Froendenberg/Ruhr in the state North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

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Photo ID: 606671

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Photo: Hans Blossey
Construction site for the design of a supplementary new building of the existing park with paths and green areas in Wohngebiet on Bruayplatz - Winschotener Strasse in Froendenberg/Ruhr in the state North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
FRöNDENBERG/RUHR 24.01.2022 Construction site for the design of a supplementary new building of the existing park with paths and green areas in Wohngebiet on Bruayplatz - Winschotener Strasse in Froendenberg/Ruhr in the state North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

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Photo ID: 543462

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Photo: Hans Blossey
Construction site for the design of a supplementary new building of the existing park with paths and green areas in Wohngebiet on Bruayplatz - Winschotener Strasse in Froendenberg/Ruhr in the state North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
FRöNDENBERG/RUHR 24.01.2022 Construction site for the design of a supplementary new building of the existing park with paths and green areas in Wohngebiet on Bruayplatz - Winschotener Strasse in Froendenberg/Ruhr in the state North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

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Photo ID: 543464

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Photo: Hans Blossey
Construction site for the design of a supplementary new building of the existing park with paths and green areas in Wohngebiet on Bruayplatz - Winschotener Strasse in Froendenberg/Ruhr in the state North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

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